So for the better part of today I was building inworld again

Okay so this isn’t exactly a big winner, but someone might light it. It’s 115 prim house. This one is different then the others because this one has a dungeon/basement type area, you can put cages and blood/lumen tanks/ whatever you desire. It’s not a big build, but I keep coming up with these places in my head, and I must build them. I think this weekend I will start working on more clothes, and etc. to design, and maybe try my hand again at customizing skins for both male and female. I get frustrated with it and walk away. Also have some new brushes that I think would make killer tattoos for everyone as well. Anyways I’m going to close this and relax and find something else to do inworld for the night, as I have done all the building I wanna do tonight.

S.A. Designz
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